Van Huyssteen, Gerhard B., Rabé, Monique, and Puttkammer, Martin J. 2023. Ouderdoms- en inhoudsadvies vir Afrikaanse boeke vir kinders: resultate van ’n eerste kwalitatiewe en
Van Huyssteen, Gerhard B., Eiselen, Roald, and Du Toit, Jaco. 2023. A dataset of self-reported attitudes to Afrikaans swearwords. Journal of Open Humanties Data 9:1–8.
Van Huyssteen, Gerhard B., Breed, Adri, Butler, Anneke, Botha, Lande, Partridge, Maristi, and Pilon, Suléne. 2023. ʼn Metodologie vir die beskrywing van konstruksionaliseringsnetwerke: Konstruksies met [in] as gevallestudie [A methodology for the description of constructionalisation networks: Constructions with [in] as a case study]. Stellenbosch Papers in Linguistics.
Van Huyssteen, Gerhard B., Puttkammer, Martin J., and Rabé, Monique. 2022. Do Afrikaans digital parents want content and age advisories for books? In Digital Humanities in precarious times. Vanderbijlpark, South Africa: North-West University.
Van Huyssteen, Gerhard B. 2022. Drie duisend f-bomme en granate: Temas in vergelykende vloekkunde [Three thousand f-bombs and grenades: Themes in comparative maledictology]. In Keynote speaker: Conference of the Suid-Afrikaanse Vereniging vir Neerlandistiek [South African Society for Dutch Studies]. Nijmegen: Radboud University.
Van Huyssteen, Gerhard B. 2022. Suid-Afrikaanse Taalkunde: Vloek in Afrikaans [South African Linguistics: Swearing in Afrikaans]. In Guest lectureship. Leiden: Leiden University.
Van Huyssteen, Gerhard B. 2022. Kan godslastering ooit humoristies wees? [Can blasphemy ever be humourous?]. In Vloekcoza research blog.
Van Huyssteen, Gerhard B. 2022. Wat ons van ‘fok’ weet (en nie weet nie) [What we (don’t) know about fok]. LitNet Akademies (Geesteswetenskappe) 19:428-452.
In this technical report, terminological issues with regard to the description of the Afrikaans syntax in the Virtual Institute for Afrikaans (VivA)’s General Afrikaans Grammar (AAG) are systematically explained.
Van Huyssteen, Gerhard B, and Roald Eiselen. 2021. “Oor feekse en helleveë [On shrews and harridans].” Tydskrif vir Geesteswetenskappe 61 (4-1):1129-1155. doi: doi.10.17159/2224-7912/2021/v61n4-1a9.
Eiselen, Roald, and Gerhard B. Van Huyssteen. 2021. “Using ordinal logistic regression to analyse self-reported usage of, and attitudes towards swearwords.” International Conference of the Digital Humanities Association of Southern Africa 2021, Virtual, 29 November to 3 December.
Van Huyssteen, Gerhard B. & Pilon, Suléne. 2021. Standaardisering as ’n produk van die tydsgees. Ontlaering – Geworteldheid: Die onderrig van Afrikaans in spesifieke ruimtes. Virtual. 29-30 April.
Van Huyssteen, Gerhard B. 2021. “Swearing in South Africa: Multidisciplinary research on language taboos.” International Conference of the Digital Humanities Association of Southern Africa 2021, South Africa, 29 November to 3 December.
Van Huyssteen, Gerhard B. & Eiselen, Roald. 2021. How Afrikaans women became fierce-tempered. Zürich Workshop on Afrikaans Linguistics. Zürich, Switzerland. 4-5 October.
Van Huyssteen, Gerhard B. 2021b. When as word is befok. Afrikaans Grammar Workshop III. Amsterdam, The Netherlands. 29 September – 1 October.
Van Huyssteen, Gerhard B. 2019. “Vloek Afrikaanssprekendes regtig? Betroubaarheid van ’n eerste grootskaalse meningspeiling se resultate.”
Van Huyssteen, GB. 2020. Sake voortspruitend: ’n Reaksie op Michael le Cordeur se hervormingstrategie vir die Afrikaans-skoolkurrikulum. Research blog. LitNet Akademies en skole. 04 November.
This multidisciplinary research project investigates swearing from the digital humanities, and with inputs from and implications to various cognitive neurosciences.
Van Huyssteen, Gerhard B., and Marlene Verhoef. 1998. “Die diachronie van antesedentherhaling in Afrikaans [The Diachronics of Antecedent Repetition in Afrikaans].” Southern African Society for
The Afrikaans stoplist for corpus research (version 1.0) comprises a master list of 1,298 items, based on frequency counts in the Taalkommissie corpus 1.1. The list has been curated based on relative word frequency classes, and Zipf values. In addition, each item has been categorised in terms of length, typecase, selection category, lexical type (i.e. content or function word), and part-of-speech category. For ease of use, three subsets of the main list is also provided.
A number of word frequency calculators are provided for Afrikaans corpora in the Virtual Institute for Afrikaans’ (VivA) corpus portal.
This chapter reports on the role that the Virtual Institute for Afrikaans (VivA) is playing as a content provider of quality Afrikaans linguistic material in the blended learning environment. The aim is to present VivA as a case study or prototype of an independent organisation acting as a key stakeholder in the blended learning ecosystem.
MorfAf (Morfologie van Afrikaans) is ‘n reeks oor die struktuur van komplekse Afrikaanse woorde. Deel 1 (2018) begin met ‘n verkenning van basisbegrippe (soos morfeme, affikse, stamme en wortels), terwyl verskeie moeiliker kwessies in deel 2 (2020) in meer besonderhede ondersoek word. Die doel is om nie net ‘n oorsig oor Afrikaanse woordbou te kry nie, maar ook om bekendgestel te word aan algemene begrippe in die morfologie, spesifiek konstruksiemorfologie. Analises van woorde is gebaseer op die skrifbeeld van die woorde (ortografie), asook op die herkoms van woorde (etimologie).
The grammar and lexicon of Afrikaans can be divided into various diachronic layers (etymological tiers). A diagram and Excel spreadsheet are provided to describe the various strata in the development of Afrikaans.
Van Huyssteen, Gerhard B. 2020. Afrikaans morphology. Taalportaal. Taalportaal Consortium:
Taalportaal comprises comprehensive, comparative, online grammars for Afrikaans, Dutch, and Frisian, written in English by experts in the respective fields.
Direct English translations of animal names in other languages often have weird (if not appropriate!) results. This collection focuses specifically on Afrikaans compounds.
MorfAf (Morfologie van Afrikaans) is ‘n reeks oor die struktuur van komplekse Afrikaanse woorde. Ons skop in deel 1 (2018) af met ‘n verkenning van basisbegrippe (soos morfeme, affikse, stamme en wortels), waarna verskeie woordvormingsprosesse in deel 2 (2020) in meer besonderhede ondersoek word. Die doel is om nie net ‘n oorsig oor Afrikaanse woordbou te kry nie, maar ook om bekendgestel te word aan algemene begrippe in die morfologie, spesifiek konstruksiemorfologie. Analises van woorde is gebaseer op die skrifbeeld van die woorde (ortografie), asook op die herkoms van woorde (etimologie).
This taxonomy represents all part of speech categories and sub-categories in Afrikaans, together with examples for each (sub-)category. The categorisation is based on the morphosyntactic
Van Huyssteen, Gerhardus B. 2019. Website: Available: Pretoria: Viridevert NPC.
A bibliography of research publications on Afrikaans morphology, from 1990 to the present.
In this chapter, Van Huyssteen explores what the future of the standard written varieties of languages might be, whith a specific focus on Afrikaans.
In this project we explored possibilities to share resources for closely-related languages (specifically Afrikaans and Dutch), in order to fast-track resource development.
This taxonomy represents all morphemes and other elements in Afrikaans word-formation processes. Click on image to view details. You can then right-click on image to
This step-wise process is used for orthography-based, etymology-driven morpheme analysis and annotation in Afrikaans. Click on image to view details. You can then right-click on
Trollip, Eddie Benito, and Gerhard B. Van Huyssteen. 2018. “The linking morpheme in Afrikaans: a Cognitive Grammar description.” SKASE Journal of Theoretical Linguistics [online] 15
Van Huyssteen, Gerhard B. 2018. “The ‘hulle’ and ‘goed’ constructions in Afrikaans.” In The construction of words: Advances in construction morphology, edited by Geert Booij,
Van Huyssteen, Gerhard B. 2018. “Norme vir ‘huidiglik’ [Norms for ‘huidiglik’].” Literator 39 (2):a1526. doi:
Van Huyssteen, Gerhard B. 2018. “‘n Korpusondersoek na ‘huidiglik’ [A corpus exploration of ‘huidiglik’].” Literator 39 (2):a1527. doi:
Taalkommissie van die Suid-Afrikaanse Akademie vir Wetenskap en Kuns. 2017. Afrikaanse woordelys en spelreëls [Afrikaans wordlist and spelling rules]. Eleventh ed. Cape Town: Pharos.
Van Huyssteen, Gerhard B. 2017. “Morfologie [Morphology].” In Kontemporêre Afrikaanse Taalkunde [Contemporary Afrikaans Linguistics], edited by W. A. M. Carstens and N. Bosman, 177-214. Pretoria:
Van Huyssteen, Gerhard B. 2017. “Die aard, doel en omvang van die Afrikaanse woordelys en spelreëls. Deel 1 [The nature, goal and scope of the Afrikaanse woordelys en
Van Huyssteen, Gerhard B. 2017. “Opname- en elimineringskriteria vir die Afrikaanse woordelys en spelreëls: Die geval emeritus. Deel 2 [Inclusion and elimination criteria for the
Van Huyssteen, Gerhard B. 2017. “Voorwoord [Preface].” In Afrikaanse woordelijs en spelreëls. Faksimilee-uitgawe [Afrikaans wordlist and spelling rules. Facsimile edition], edited by Suid-Afrikaanse Akademie vir
Augustinus, Liesbeth, Peter Dirix, Daniel Van Niekerk, Ineke Schuurman, Vincent Vandeghinste, Frank Van Eynde, and Gerhard B. Van Huyssteen. 2016. “AfriBooms: an online treebank for
Van Huyssteen, Gerhard B. 2016. “Die ortografiese realisering van komposita met en afleidings van multiwoordeiename [The orthographical realisation of compounds with and derivations of multiword
Van Huyssteen, Gerhard B. 2016. “Apps of toeps, los of vas: wenke vir die klaskamer [‘Apps’ or ‘toeps’, one word or two: tips for the
Van Huyssteen, Gerhard B., Melodi Botha, and Alex Antonites. 2016. “Die Virtuele Instituut vir Afrikaans (VivA) en markbehoeftes in die Afrikaanse gemeenskap [The Virtual Institute
Breed, Adri, and Gerhard B. Van Huyssteen. 2015. “Aan die en besig in Afrikaanse progressiwiteitskonstruksies: ‘n korpusondersoek (2) [‘Aan die’ and ‘besig’ in Afrikaans progressive
GridLine, and CTexT. 2015. Afrikaanse klinkende taal. Web demo (prototype). Amsterdam: GridLine.
Heeringa, Wilbert, Febe De Wet, and Gerhard B. Van Huyssteen. 2015. “Afrikaans and Dutch as closely-related languages: A comparison to West Germanic languages and Dutch
Version 1.0 comprises 5,523 Afrikaans verbs with associated past tense forms (tab separated). Verbs were sourced from various sources, mainly from CTexT’s Afrikaans lemmatisation data, and supplemented with data from the Afrkaans/Dutch-Dutch/Afrikaans Dictionary (ANNA). Past tense forms were generated and manually verified.
Van Huyssteen, Gerhard B. 2015. “Nuwe digitale ontwikkelinge in Afrikaans: praktiese hulpmiddels [New digital developments in Afrikaans: practical resources].” University of Pretoria, PRETORIA, South Africa.
Van Huyssteen, Gerhard B. 2015. “Afrikaans negentig – Afrikaans digitaal [Afrikaans ninety – Afrikaans digital].” Gents Colloquium Over Het Afrikaans.
Van Huyssteen, Gerhard B., Marlie Coetzee, E. Roald Eiselen, Wildrich Fourie, Ismael Lavangee, Martin J. Puttkammer, and Cornelius. Van der Walt. 2015. VivA interfaces 1.0.
Breed, Adri, and Gerhard B. Van Huyssteen. 2014. “Aan die en besig in Afrikaanse progressiwiteitskonstruksies: die ontstaan en ontwikkeling (1) [‘Aan die’ and ‘besig’ in Afrikaans
CTexT. 2014. Afrikaans NCHLT Annotated Text Corpora 1.0. Potchefstroom: Resource Management Agency.
Snyman, Dirk P., Gerhard B. Van Huyssteen, and Walter Daelemans. 2014. “Outomatiese genreklassifikasie vir Afrikaans [Automatic genre classification for Afrikaans].”
Van Huyssteen, Gerhard B., and Marlie Coetzee. 2014. “The Virtual Institute for Afrikaans: digital language resources and technologies in a customer-facing web service.” PRASA 2014,
Van Huyssteen, Gerhard B., and Ben. Verhoeven. 2014. “A taxonomy for Afrikaans and Dutch compounds.” Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING
Van Huyssteen, Gerhard B. 2014. “Morfologie [Morphology].” In Kontemporêre Afrikaanse Taalkunde [Contemporary Afrikaans Linguistics], edited by W. A. M. en Bosman N. Carstens. Pretoria: Van
Van Huyssteen, Gerhard B. 2014. “Hoekom Afrikaans in die digitale era? [Why Afrikaans in the digital era?].”
Van Huyssteen, Gerhard B., Walter Daelemans, Menno M. Van Zaanen, and Ben. Verhoeven. 2014. Resources for compound processing. North-West University: Potchefstroom, South Africa; University of
van Zaanen, Menno M., Gerhard B. Van Huyssteen, Suzanna Aussems, Chris Emmery, and Roald Eiselen. 2014. “The development of Dutch and Afrikaans language resources for
Verhoeven, Ben, Menno M Van Zaanen, Walter Daelemans, and Gerhard B. Van Huyssteen. 2014. “Automatic compound processing: compound splitting and semantic analysis for Afrikaans and
Verhoeven, Ben, Gerhard B Van Huyssteen, Menno M. Van Zaanen, and Walter Daelemans. 2014. Annotation guidelines for compound analysis. In CLiPS Technical Report Series (CTRS).
Botha, Zandré, E. Roald Eiselen, and Gerhard B. Van Huyssteen. 2013. “Improving automatic compound semantic analysis using Wordnets.” PRASA 2013.
Verhoeven, Ben, and Gerhard B. Van Huyssteen. 2013. “More than only noun-noun compounds: towards an annotation acheme for the semantic modelling of other noun compound
Butler, Anneke, and Gerhard B. Van Huyssteen. 2012. 5000 Afrikaans woorde, gekategoriseer volgens spellingprobleme [5000 Afrikaans words, categorised according to spelling problems]. Ongepubliseer. Potchefstroom: Noordwes
Davel, Marlie, and Gerhard B. Van Huyssteen. 2012. Construction morphology toolkit (cx-morph-toolkit) 0.1. Potchefstroom: North-West University.
Verhoeven, Ben, Walter Daelemans, and Gerhard B. Van Huyssteen. 2012. “Classification of noun-noun compound semantics in Dutch and Afrikaans.” Pretoria, South Africa, 2012.
De Wet, F, A De Waal, and Gerhard B. Van Huyssteen. 2011. “Developing a broadband automatic speech recognition system for Afrikaans.” Proceedings of the 12th
Heeringa, Wilbert, Febe De Wet, and Gerhard B. Van Huyssteen. 2011. “Afrikaans and Dutch as closely related languages: a comparison to West Germanic languages and
Pilon, Suléne, and Gerhard B. Van Huyssteen. 2011. “Technology recycling for closely related languages: Dutch and Afrikaans.” 21th Meeting of Computational Linguistics in the Netherlands
Van Huyssteen, Gerhard B. 2010. Bilingual word list: computational linguistics/Tweetalige woordelys: rekenaarlinguistiek.
Pilon, Suléne, Gerhard B. Van Huyssteen, and Liesbeth Augustinus. 2010. “Converting Afrikaans to Dutch for technology recycling.” Proceedings of the 2010 Conference of the Pattern
Schlünz, Georg I., Etienne Barnard, and Gerhard B. Van Huyssteen. 2010. “Part-of-speech effects on text-to-speech synthesis.” Proceedings of the 2010 Conference of the Pattern Recognition
Van Huyssteen, Gerhard B., and M. Davel. 2010. “Learning rules and categorization networks for language standardization.” Proceedings of the North American Chapter of the Association
Van Huyssteen, Gerhard B., and Suléne Pilon. 2010. “Some thoughts on a Dutch-to-Afrikaans convertor.” Guest lecture, University of Antwerp, ANTWERP, Belgium.
Van Huyssteen, Gerhard B., and Suléne Pilon. 2010. “A Dutch-to-Afrikaans convertor.” 20th Meeting of Computational Linguistics in the Netherlands (CLIN) 2010, Utrecht University, UTRECHT, The
Van Huyssteen, Gerhard B. 2010. “(Re)defining component structures in morphological constructions: a cognitive grammar perspective.” In Cognitive Approaches to Word-Formation, edited by Alexander Onysko and
Taalkommissie van die Suid-Afrikaanse Akademie vir Wetenskap en Kuns. 2009. Afrikaanse woordelys en spelreëls [Afrikaans wordlist and spelling rules]. Tenth ed. Cape Town: Pharos Dictionaries.
Daelemans, Walter, Hendrik J. Groenewald, and Gerhard B. Van Huyssteen. 2009. “Prototype-based active learning for lemmatization.” Proceedings of Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing 2009.
Van Huyssteen, Gerhard B., and Suléne Pilon. 2009. “Rule-based conversion of closely-related languages: A Dutch-to-Afrikaans convertor.” Proceedings of the 2009 Conference of the Pattern Recognition
Van Huyssteen, Gerhard B. 2008. Bilingual word list: cognitive linguistics/Tweetalige woordelys: kognitiewe linguistiek.
Groenewald, Hendrik J, and Gerhard B. Van Huyssteen. 2008. “Outomatiese lemma-identifisering vir Afrikaans [Automatic lemmatisation for Afrikaans].” Literator 29 (1):65-91.
Pilon, Suléne, Martin J. Puttkammer, and Gerhard B. Van Huyssteen. 2008. “Die ontwikkeling van ‘n woordafbreker en kompositumanaliseerder vir Afrikaans [The development of a hyphenator
Van Huyssteen, Gerhard B. 2008. “Oor modelle [On models].” Inaugural lecture, North-West University, POTCHEFSTROOM, South Africa.
Van Huyssteen, Gerhard B. 2008. Bilingual word list: computational linguistics [Tweetalige woordelys: rekenaarlinguistiek]. In Literator.
Van Huyssteen, Gerhard B., and Hendrik J. Groenewald. 2007. “‘n Heroorweging van fleksie in Afrikaans: klasse vir outomatiese Afrikaanse lemma-identifisering [Afrikaans inflection revisited: classes for
Van Huyssteen, Gerhard B., and Martin J. Puttkammer. 2007. “Accelerating the annotation of lexical data for less-resourced languages.” Proceedings of the 8th Annual Conference of
Van Huyssteen, Gerhard B., and Daan P. Wissing. 2007. “Datagebaseerde aspekte van Afrikaanse reduplikasies [Data-based aspects of Afrikaans reduplications].” Southern African Linguistics and Applied Language
Van Huyssteen, Gerhard B., Martin J. Puttkammer, Suléne Pilon, and Hendrik J. Groenewald. 2007. “Using machine learning to annotate data for NLP tasks semi-automatically.” Proceedings
Puttkammer, Martin J., and Gerhard B. Van Huyssteen. 2006. “Automatic text segmentation of Afrikaans using memory-based learning.” Proceedings of the 2006 Conference of the Pattern
Van Huyssteen, Gerhard B., and Laurette. Pretorius. 2005. “Afrikaanse tekstegnologie: ‘n inventaris [Afrikaans text technology: an inventory].” Annual Symposium of ‘Suid-Afrikaanse Akademie vir Wetenskap en
Van Huyssteen, Gerhard B. 2005. “‘n Kognitiewe gebruiksgebaseerde beskrywingsmodel vir die Afrikaanse grammatika [A cognitive usage-based description model for Afrikaans grammar].” Southern African Linguistics and
Van Huyssteen, Gerhard B. 2005. Bilingual word list: cognitive linguistics. In Southern African Linguistics and Applied Language Studies.
Van Huyssteen, Gerhard B. 2005. “On valence morphemes in Afrikaans.” 9th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference, Yonsei University, SEOUL, South Korea.
Van Huyssteen, Gerhard B., Suléne Pilon, and Martin J. Puttkammer. 2005. “Using machine learning in the development of modules for proofing tools.” International Conference of
Van Huyssteen, Gerhard B., and Menno M. Van Zaanen. 2004. “Learning compound boundaries for Afrikaans spelling checking.” Proceedings of First Workshop on International Proofing Tools
Van Huyssteen, Gerhard B. 2004. “Motivating the composition of Afrikaans reduplications: a cognitive grammar analysis.” In Studies in Linguistic Motivation, edited by G. Radden and
Els, Christo J., and Gerhard B. Van Huyssteen. 2003. “Outomatiese let-ter-greep-ver-de-ling en woord-afbreking in Afrikaans [Automatic hyphenation in Afrikaans].” LSSA Conference, Rand Afrikaans University, JOHANNESBURG,
Pilon, Suléne, and Gerhard B Van Huyssteen. 2003. “‘n Etiketstel vir ‘n woordsoortetiketteerder vir Afrikaans [A Tagset for a Part-of-Speech Tagger for Afrikaans].” LSSA Conference,
Van Huyssteen, Gerhard B., and Menno M. Van Zaanen. 2003. “A spellchecker for Afrikaans, based on morphological analysis.” 6th International Terminology in Advanced Management Applications
Van Huyssteen, Gerhard B. 2003. “Applying embodied construction grammar: a description of some Afrikaans morphological constructions.” 8th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference, University of La Rioja,
Van Huyssteen, Gerhard B. 2003. “Cognitive Afrikaans morphology.” Cognitive Linguistics in South Africa Colloquium, University of South Africa, PRETORIA, South Africa.
Van Huyssteen, Gerhard B., and Suléne Pilon. 2003. “The Afrikaans plural construction: an embodied construction grammar account.” Cognitive Linguistics in South Africa Colloquium, University of
Van Zaanen, Menno M., and Gerhard B. Van Huyssteen. 2003. “Improving a spelling checker for Afrikaans.” Computational Linguistics in the Netherlands 2002: Selected Papers from
Van Zaanen, Menno M., and Gerhard B. Van Huyssteen. 2003. “Various uses of spelling checkers: learning, teaching, and practical experiences.” Southern African Linguistics and Applied
Van Huyssteen, Gerhard B. 2002. “Teoretiese vooronderstellings van ‘n kognitiewe gebruiksgebaseerde beskrywingsmodel vir die Afrikaanse grammatika [Theoretical Assumptions of a Cognitive Usage-based Model for Afrikaans
Van Huyssteen, Gerhard B. 2002. “Desiderata of spellchecking/spell-checking/spell checking: towards an intelligent spellchecker for Afrikaans.” Potchefstroom, 2002.
Van Huyssteen, Gerhard B. 1998. “Die leksikografiese hantering van seksuele uitdrukkings in Afrikaans.” Suid-Afrikaanse Tydskrif vir Taalkunde 16 (2):63-71.
Van Huyssteen, Gerhard B. 1996. “The sexist nature of sexual expressions in Afrikaans.” Literator 17 (3):119-135.
Van Huyssteen, Gerhard B. 1995. “‘n Kognitief-pragmatiese perspektief op seksuele uitdrukkings in Afrikaans [A cognitive pragmatic perspective on sexual expressions in Afrikaans].” MA Unpublished dissertation,